Okay so i thought that I would just forget about this blogging thing.. but then last night i decided to get back into it some.. We have been extremely busy with traveling and working all over.. God has been so good to us... Jon Caden is 2 now and a little ball of joy. He is truly such a smart adorable little boy.. AND YES I AM PREJUDICE.lol I am thankful to say that he is potty trained... We did that right b4 he turned 2. I was so dreading that and he decided to do that all by him self so that was a breeze.. Yes, i know that my next one might be 6 b4 they are. lol He talkes non stop all the time.. I will keep you updated on all the stuff he says.. I hope now all the family will be happy with me again keeping them informed on us..
Posted by jodikeeling at 9:52 AM 0 comments