Okay so i thought that I would just forget about this blogging thing.. but then last night i decided to get back into it some.. We have been extremely busy with traveling and working all over.. God has been so good to us... Jon Caden is 2 now and a little ball of joy. He is truly such a smart adorable little boy.. AND YES I AM PREJUDICE.lol I am thankful to say that he is potty trained... We did that right b4 he turned 2. I was so dreading that and he decided to do that all by him self so that was a breeze.. Yes, i know that my next one might be 6 b4 they are. lol He talkes non stop all the time.. I will keep you updated on all the stuff he says.. I hope now all the family will be happy with me again keeping them informed on us..
Posted by jodikeeling at 9:52 AM 0 comments
one of his 1 year pics
Just Playing
he was a little mad here.
one of his favorite past times...
he loves to open the fridge and get something out.. He does it all by himself. this was today and he got out the cheese..
Where does the time go?? This time last year I was just setting in the hospital nervous and excited about him getting here and now it's his birthday.. I just can't believe it... He is absolutely the most precious thing that God has ever created (I'm momma so yes I think that). He has the cutest expressions, sweetest little dimple, and the worst temper... It's sad that he really isn't a little baby anymore, but I do love watching him grow and see the new things he is learning everyday. I never realized how much I would love to hear the word "Momma". He will follow me around the house EVERYWHERE I go.. He is becoming more of a daddy's boy though.. Earlier he was at the back door looking out and was yelling DADADA at the top of his lungs and when Jon came up to the door he was sooo excited he couldn't even control himself.. We thank God everyday for him and the blessing his is to our lives. We hope and pray that we do the absolute best that we can to raise him to honor and serve God. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JON CADEN
Posted by jodikeeling at 12:02 AM 1 comments
The cutest thing happened tonight... Well we pray with Jon Caden before every meal. Even snacks to get him very used to it.. Well the past week or so when we say Amen he kinda mumbles it too. Tonight we came in from church and I fixed Jon a little something.. Well, JonCaden thinks he gets what ever we eat too. Jon said okay you can have some but we have to pray first.. So Jon Caden grabs Jon's hand and Jon starts praying.. Well, Jon was praying about a few more things than what he usually does when we eat. Jon Caden just blurted out "AMEN". It was plan as everything.. It waas like he was saying okay dad you've been praying to Long I'm ready to eat. We were rolling.. I am thankful that he is learning though... just thought that I would share our happy moment with ya.
Posted by jodikeeling at 10:51 PM 3 comments
I had this given to me when I was pregnant with Jon Caden. It is hung on my fridge. I love to just stop and read it sometimes. It seems that hear lately I haven't stopped to read. With our lives changing so quickly. I have so many emotions running through my head. With being missionaries I know that we will be gone alot. Traveling is not something i was brought up doing. I think about Jon Caden not being at home all the time with his toys, his grandparents and other little things. Well this mognint the devil was really trying to get me down about it this morning and then I ready this....
Two Little feet to follow us,
Where e're our feet may trod,
Will they lead to folly's door,
Or will they lead to God?
Two little eyes to observe what we do,
To copy our ways and our taste,
Will they help build a growing world,
Or will they add to the waste?
Two little ears to hear what we say,
In pleasure - in suffering - in prayer,
Will it give courage and peace on the way,
Or multiply hatred and care?
One little mind but two little lips,
To share our thought and words,
Will they be envious, selfish and proud,
Or will they breed faith in our Lord?
One little heart but two little arms,
Embracing those he love,
Tenderly Jesus, help is t odirect
His affection to God above.
Daddy and Mommy - they're magical words
secure in loving trust
God grant us the grace to follow YOU Lord
God keeps reminding me that we have to follow his path. I want Jon Caden to know that whatever God wanted his parents to do they were ready and willing.. I know we will make mistakes, but I want to lead the kind of path that he can follow.
I t just gave me huge boost this morning.. Hope ya'll have a wonderful day..
Posted by jodikeeling at 12:59 PM 0 comments
Well. I have decided that I am going to change up our blog.. I have become addicted to blogs. All Thanks To Amy K!! So instead of it just being about Jon Caden you'll get the three of us. I will be changing the blog address also..
Posted by jodikeeling at 11:24 PM 0 comments
Today is Jon's Birthday!! This is his first birthday with Jon Caden.. Jon Caden and I woke him up with breakfast in bed.... He loved. Jon Caden too cause he got to eat of momma and daddy's plate... His cereal was just not going to do this morning... I hope that Jon has a wonderful.. He truly deserves it.. He is a wonderful husband and an amazing father... Jon Caden and I love him very much!!
Posted by jodikeeling at 1:47 PM 1 comments